How Can a Law Firm Benefit from Document Shredding?
When you keep important documents in your law offices, it is crucial you keep them safe from prying hands and wandering eyes. Business information, client financial accounts, and confidential information can be leaked, putting your clients or your reputation in jeopardy. And, it’s equally important to take the right safety measures when destroying these documents. Protect your law firm and client safety with professional document shredding services! Secure Shredding & Recycling is dedicated to fast, efficient service that thoroughly destroys important documents, ensuring your information remains confidential. Learn more about some of the benefits you can discover with our shredding services.

Shredding Your Legal Documents Prevents Identity Theft
According to Experian, one in 20 Americans is affected each year by identity theft. This is caused by leaked information from financial credentials or government documents. Rather than throwing your papers into a trash can or dumpster where someone with ill intent can access them, your Tampa law firm should choose document shredding for ensured safety. At Secure Shredding & Recycling, we understand the importance of keeping your business and client information confidential. Our National Association of Information Destruction-certified company shreds documents and destroys hard drives following government requirements to eliminate the risk of identity theft.
Some Documents Legally Require Destruction
Your legal documents house important information that, if in the wrong hands, could cause immense damage to your clients or your law firm. Case files, personal records, tax documents, and invoices should be shredded and disposed of following HIPAA, FACTA, SOX, OR GLB compliance. A law firm has a legal obligation to protect client information. Partner with Secure Shredding & Recycling to take the stress out of document destruction. Choose a mobile shredding service for on-site shredding. Or, let us empty your secure containers and cross-shred your documents at our secure facility.
Document Shredding Reduces Clutter While Protecting the Environment
Storing volumes of legal documents takes up quite a bit of space. Empty filing boxes and cabinets that are sitting and stacking up around your office. Take the time to go through old documents, and sort through which official papers should be kept and which ones can be thrown out. Then, simply place your disposable files in your secure shredding containers until your scheduled shredding session. When we arrive with our state-of-the-art mobile shredding truck, empty your bins into our mobile shredder and watch as each paper is cross shredded. Or, let us pack up your documents and bring them to our facility for shredding. We then recycle all paper shreds, and we deliver a certificate of destruction for your records.
Professional Document Shredding Is Quick & Convenient
Why carve out valuable time at your law firm each day and dedicate it to document shredding when you could streamline the process with professional shredding services? Feeding eight sheets of paper into an office shredder is tedious and time-consuming, especially when you are working with endless stacks of legal documents. With Secure Shredding & Recycling, we provide you with shredding containers that hold up to 96 gallons of paper. We can shred these onsite or at our facility with ease. Consult with us today to determine the right shredding services for your needs!
If Your Tampa Law Firm Needs Document Shredding, We’re Here to Help!
Protecting client information is of the utmost importance, especially when it comes to legal documents and records. If your law firm is in need of document shredding services, Secure Shredding & Recycling in Tampa can securely dispose of your information. Call us at 1-833-747-3399 or message us for a quote. For convenient, cost-effective services you can trust, reach out to your shredding experts today.